East End Linseed (Alsi) 800g


Linseeds are the richest plant source of omega 3 fats, which are essential for a healthy brain, heart, joints and immune system. Due to the high content of plant chemicals known as phytoestrogens, linseeds have been called nature’s answer to hormone replacement therapy.

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Linseeds are the richest plant source of omega 3 fats, which are essential for a healthy brain, heart, joints and immune system. Due to the high content of plant chemicals known as phytoestrogens, linseeds have been called nature’s answer to hormone replacement therapy.

Linseed is the small, reddish-brown or golden-yellow seed of the common flax plant, linum usitatissimum, the same plant that‚Äôs used to grow the fibre from which linen has been made for thousands of years. Linseeds add marked dietary fibre to your diet, and thus should first be added in modest amounts and always with increased liquid intake.

  • Culinary grade linseed or flaxseed oil has a rich
  • Buttery taste and it is useful to add richness to dishes.
  • Linseeds are also a great binder, and work really well as an egg replacer in lots of recipes.


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